Advertising with WisconsinHunts is simple.

email the following information to:

1. Name and Address along with area code & phone number

2. A desciption of the hunting property and available dates

3. Include any photos you would like on the web page

4. and how the renters should contact you.

Prices start at $75 per year for a basic ad and include one photo and one URL link plus one email link. Much cheaper than print advertising. Full page advertising and minisites are available. Multi year discounts may apply.

Privacy Policy: All information is kept confidential. WisconsinHunts does not sell or distribute the information of its clients or contacts.


Terms and conditions:

The advertiser must be the rightful property owner / rental agent of the property and the same property must provide legal hunting opportunities. It is the responsibility of the property owner / rental agent to collect any fees required for activities on the property. If any advertiser provides misleading information the advertisement will be terminated without refund.

WisconsinHunts connecting the land owner and the hunter
web site  designed by dpcars